Camelot - Myth Encyclopedia

Camelot was the location of King Arthur's court and the site of the famous Round Table of Arthurian legend. The wedding of Arthur to his queen, Guinevere, took place in the town of Camelot, and the magician Merlin built a castle there for the couple to live in.

Casey Jones - Myth Encyclopedia

Casey Jones, a railroad engineer, became an American legend because of a ballad about his death. Born John Luther Jones, he got the nickname Casey from the town of Cayce, Kentucky, where his family moved when he was a teenager.

Cassandra - Myth Encyclopedia

In Greek mythology, Cassandra was the daughter of Priam and Hecuba, the king and queen of Troy. Cassandra was the most beautiful of Priam's daughters, and the god Apollo*f fell in love with her.

Cassiopea - Myth Encyclopedia

In Greek mythology, Cassiopea was the wife of Cepheus, king of Joppa (often called Ethiopia). Cassiopea once boasted that she and her daughter Andromeda were more beautiful than the sea nymphs known as the Nereids.

Castor and Pollux - Myth Encyclopedia

Myths and Variations. There are many stories about the twins and numerous verions of those stories.

Cecilia, St. - Myth Encyclopedia

In the Christian tradition, St. Cecilia is the patron saint of music and musicians.

Celtic Mythology - Myth Encyclopedia

Adventure, heroism, romance, and magic are a few of the elements that make Celtic mythology one of the most entrancing mythologies of Europe. Once a powerful people who dominated much of Europe, the Celts were reduced to a few small groups after the Roman invasions.

Centaurs - Myth Encyclopedia

In Greek mythology, centaurs were creatures that were half man and half horse. They had the head, neck, chest, and arms of a man and the body and legs of a horse.

Cephalus and Procris - Myth Encyclopedia

In one version, Eos (Aurora), the goddess of dawn, fell in love with Cephalus. In jealous distress, Procris ran into the forest.

Cerberus - Myth Encyclopedia

In Greek mythology, Cerberus was the terrifying three-headed dog who guarded the entrance to the underworld. The offspring of the monsters Typhon and Echidna, Cerberus was also the brother of the serpent creature Hydra and the lion-headed beast Chimaera.

Changing Woman - Myth Encyclopedia

Changing Woman, or Asdzáá nádleehé, is the most respected goddess of the Navajo people. All Navajo ceremonies must include at least one song dedicated to Changing Woman.

Charlemagne - Myth Encyclopedia

Charlemagne, king of the Franks*, was the greatest ruler in Europe in the centuries following the fall of the Roman empire. In a long reign that lasted from A.D.

Cherubim - Myth Encyclopedia

Cherubim (cherub in the singular) are winged creatures that appear as attendants to God in the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions. Their main duties are to praise God and to support his throne, though their roles vary from culture to culture.

Chinese Mythology - Myth Encyclopedia

The people of China have a rich and complicated mythology that dates back nearly 4,000 years. Throughout Chinese history, myth and reality have been intertwined.

Christopher, St. - Myth Encyclopedia

St. Christopher is the patron saint of travelers.

Cid, El - Myth Encyclopedia

El Cid was the honorary title of Rodrigo DĂ­az de Bivar (or Vivar), Spain's national hero and great military leader. During his lifetime, DĂ­az fought for and against both Christian kings and Muslim rulers in Spain.

Circe - Myth Encyclopedia

Clytemnestra - Myth Encyclopedia

In Greek mythology, Clytemnestra was the daughter of Tyndareus and Leda, king and queen of Sparta*. She married Agamemnon*, king of Mycenae and leader of the Greeks in the Trojan War.

Coatlicue - Myth Encyclopedia

Coatlicue, the earth goddess of Aztec mythology, was the mother of the sun, the moon, the stars, and all the Aztec gods and goddesses. Her name means "serpent skirt." Coatlicue was the source of all life on earth and took the dead back again into her body.

Cockaigne, Land of - Myth Encyclopedia

Many writers identified London as the Land of Cockaigne, which may have led to the use of the word cockney to refer to some inhabitants of London.

Conaire Mor - Myth Encyclopedia

In Celtic* mythology Conaire Mor was a high king of Ireland, the son of Mess Buachalla and the bird god Nemglan. The conditions surrounding the birth of Conaire Mor were all favorable, and it seemed that his reign would be peaceful and prosperous.

Coriolanus - Myth Encyclopedia

Roman legend tells of Gnaeus Marcius Coriolanus, a patrician of the 400s B.C. Although he may have been a real person, no firm evidence of his existence survives.

Corn - Myth Encyclopedia

First grown in Mexico about 5,000 years ago, corn soon became the most important food crop in Central and North America. Throughout the region, Native Americans, Maya, Aztecs, and other Indians worshiped corn gods and developed a variety of myths about the origin, planting, growing, and harvesting of corn (also known as maize).

Creation Stories - Myth Encyclopedia

People have long wondered how the world came into being. They have answered the question with stories that describe the origin of the universe or the world and usually of human life as well.

Crispin, St. - Myth Encyclopedia

Crispin and his brother Crispinian are saints in the Roman Catholic Church. They are said to have died around A.D.