
Camelot was the location of King Arthur's court and the site of the famous Round Table of Arthurian legend. The wedding of Arthur to his queen, Guinevere, took place in the town of Camelot, and the magician Merlin built a castle there for the couple to live in.

The castle served as headquarters for King Arthur and his knights as well. A special hall held the Round Table, where Arthur and the knights would plan their campaigns. The hall also contained lifelike statues of the 12 kings who had tried to overthrow Arthur. All had been defeated by him and were buried at Camelot. Each statue had a lighted candle. According to Merlin, the candles would stay lit until the Holy Grail was found and brought to Camelot. It was from Camelot that the knights rode out to perform good deeds and brave feats and to search for the Holy Grail.

Holy Grail sacred cup said to have been used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper

Scholars have long debated the location of Camelot, just as they have debated the identity of King Arthur. In early times, it was associated with the town of Camulodunum (now called Colchester), an important site during the days of Roman rule in Britain. Other possible sites include Caerleon in Wales and the English towns of Camelford and Cadbury. In his book Le Morte D'Arthur, Sir Thomas Malory identified the city of Winchester as Camelot. England's King Henry VII had his first son baptized in Winchester Cathedral and named Arthur. In all likelihood, however, Camelot represents a mythical place, not a real one.

See also Arthur, King ; Arthurian Legends ; Guinevere ; Holy Grail ; Merlin ; Round Table .

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