
In Norse* mythology, Tyr was worshiped as a god of war, justice, and order. One of his roles was to guarantee that contracts and oaths were not broken.

Although Tyr appears in very few legends, the best-known story about him involves the fierce wolf Fenrir that no chain could hold. The supreme god Odin ordered the dwarfs to make a magical ribbon so strong that Fenrir could not break it. Fenrir was suspicious when the gods wanted to tie the ribbon around him. But he allowed himself to be bound after brave Tyr put his hand in the wolf's mouth. However, when Fenrir realized that he had been tricked, he bit off Tyr's hand.

Early Germanic peoples associated Tyr with Mars, the Roman god of war. The third day of the week, known as dies Martis (Mars' Day) in Latin, became known as Tyrsdagr to the Norse and entered English as Tuesday.

See also Fenrir ; Mars ; Norse Mythology .

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