
In Greek mythology, satyrs were half-man, half-beast creatures that lived in forests and hills. Usually pictured as human above the waist and as horse or goat below the waist, satyrs had pointed ears or horns on their heads.

nymph minor goddess of nature, usually represented as young and beautiful

According to some sources, satyrs were the children of goats and mountain nymphs. However, the Greek poet Hesiod* identifies satyrs as brothers of the nymphs, while also calling them "good-for-nothing" and "mischievous." Followers of Dionysus, the god of wine and ecstasy, satyrs had a reputation for drunkenness and lewdness. They were considered symbols of fertility and were frequently portrayed chasing nymphs. During the festival of Dionysus in ancient Athens, satyr plays featuring a chorus of boisterous satyrs were performed along with the tragedies.

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